How does a worm feel when it’s dredged from its damp, dark premises and into the sun?
Quite a few unfortunate invertebrates found out yesterday as I prepared a garden bed for my Ma, digging out the last of the spinach to make way for broad beans.
While I tugged at grass tufts and excavated dandelion, worm folk were hauled up on roots and clods of earth, experiencing sunshine (for the first time?) on their tender little torsos. Must have been a shock, poor buggers.
Their discomfort wasn’t for nought, as they inspired this post.
I wondered, who’d expect a blog about earthworms? No one. Yet, here you are reading, anthropomorphising, and holding out for a copywriting insight.
And the lesson? Be unexpected.
If everyone in your industry is writing the same old posts, in the same old tone, and the same old story, wriggle in the opposite direction.
Find a new angle. Tell an original tale. Start your post with a paragraph that’s so deliciously bizarre, curious eyeballs have no choice but to keep reading.
Whether it’s worms or something weird you saw in the crisper, weave the unexpected into your content and watch engagement soar.